How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

With the growing demand for cloud-native architecture, Kubernetes is becoming a de facto skillset for software architects, developers, and system administrators. While there are different mechanisms to learn Kubernetes, certification such as the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program by The Linux Foundation helps to provide the direction, curriculum, and knowledge needed for real-world experience. Why get CKA certified? The CKA certification is designed to make sure that holders have the…

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5 Lessons Learned From Applying Kubernetes In The Enterprise


Kubernetes is no longer a technology under consideration — it is in mainstream adoption and an industry-standard as a container orchestration platform. Kubernetes helps to focus on building business-centric capabilities by providing a standard platform deployable to the public or hybrid cloud environment. Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production, up from less than 30% today. With the rise of Kubernetes…

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Tech Tip #4 – Use Lens IDE as a unified tool to manage Kubernetes cluster

Abstraction, flexibility, transparency, and avoiding vendor lock-in are key factors in choosing the suitable Kubernetes management solution. Lens Desktop is a developer-friendly IDE to manage Kubernetes built using opensource & cloud-native principles and a great offering as a unified tool to manage Kubernetes cluster. Lens IDE is a developer-friendly offering as a unified tool to manage the Kubernetes cluster across cloud vendors, and on-premises Kubernetes in a similar way. This…

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5 Awesome Views of Kubernetes Architecture


Kubernetes has emerged as a de-facto standard for platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for Microservices, Cloud Native, and emerging architecture patterns. As a software architect, it is essential to not only understand the basics of Kubernetes but also become a practitioner of it. This article showcases 5 awesome views of Kubernetes architecture to help you grasp the key concepts. Kubernetes High-level Architecture View Controller Manager – manages control processes such as node controller,…

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Solution Options for Choosing the Right Kubernetes Management Strategy


The emergence of Kubernetes as an industry standard for container orchestration platforms is recognized as one of the key technology trends. Kubernetes ensures that containers are orchestrated and managed consistently across environments and has accelerated the development ecosystem. Kubernetes will soon be pervasive similar to Linux with key trends as: Kubernetes as hybrid cloud engine – the backbone for a hybrid-cloud architecture as it is a common PaaS platform supported…

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SUSE Is All About Enterprise Linux, Kubernetes, And Edge Computing


SUSECON has been concluded recently (May 18-20) with 50+ sessions in the area of Enterprise Linux, Kubernetes, and Edge Computing. SUSE has been an avid contributor to Opensource in the area of Cloud Infrastructure (e.g. OpenStack, Kubernetes), Application Platform (Cloud Foundry), Operating System-Level Virtualization (OCI, KVM), Operating Systems (OpenSUSE), and many more. Their recent acquistion of Ranche aligns with their increased focus on Enterprise Kubernetes Management and Edge Computing. This…

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Free Docker & Kubernetes Courses For Application Architects

Learn Docker & Kubernetes

As a full-stack architect, understanding and being hands-on with Docker & Kubernetes helps you to drive end-to-end architecture and technology decisions. This article summarizes free Docker & Kubernetes courses focused for application architects. #1 – Containerization with Docker Apart from having the basic knowledge of Docker, advanced knowledge of container runtime helps during troubleshooting and using advanced container creation practices such as multi-stage docker build. Additionally, having the basic knowledge…

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Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud, Prometheus, Grafana, and Keycloak using Kubernetes

Microservices with Spring Cloud

When I started research on building microservice architecture with completely opensource software, I established the following as key guiding principles: Opensource technology stack, which is proven & battle-tested for production systems Applying API Gateway pattern for Microservices Wider developer community support with active support (in case there are issues or troubleshooting needed) Good documentation with easily accessible learning material These principles helped me to choose the technology stack, which has…

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