Diving Deep into Service Mesh: Unveiling Its Mechanism, Benefits, and Implementation

Preface With the growing demand for cloud-native architecture, microservice-based architecture has become the popular choice for developing distributed architecture. Microservice helps in developing the services with bounded context. This implies that our architecture will be composed of a collection of polyglot services each focusing on a distinct business functionality. This helps in making architecture more reliable, scalable and enables the deployment of new features quickly. Like other architectural approaches, microservices…

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How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

With the growing demand for cloud-native architecture, Kubernetes is becoming a de facto skillset for software architects, developers, and system administrators. While there are different mechanisms to learn Kubernetes, certification such as the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program by The Linux Foundation helps to provide the direction, curriculum, and knowledge needed for real-world experience. Why get CKA certified? The CKA certification is designed to make sure that holders have the…

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