Why caching and in-memory data grid is no longer an afterthought


Evolution of Caching Technologies In an early stage, caching started with simply putting data into memory (mostly as local cache) in the same processing node (usually an application server). Gradually it evolved with externalizing the cache as a separate process and eventually re-engineered towards distributed computing architecture. In the current landscape, most of the caching system architecture uses in-memory data grid technology, which is essentially a part of in-memory computing…

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AWS App Mesh vs. Istio: A Comparison Of Service Mesh


Context As Microservices architecture isolates system functionalities into multiple independent services, the communication mechanism between these services plays a key role for a scalable, available, and high-performance architecture. A service mesh is an infrastructure layer that manages service communication in a transparent and language-independent way. It helps to configure how service instances perform critical actions such as service discovery, load balancing, data encryption, and authentication and authorization. Applicability The service mesh…

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5 Awesome Views of Kubernetes Architecture


Kubernetes has emerged as a de-facto standard for platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for Microservices, Cloud Native, and emerging architecture patterns. As a software architect, it is essential to not only understand the basics of Kubernetes but also become a practitioner of it. This article showcases 5 awesome views of Kubernetes architecture to help you grasp the key concepts. Kubernetes High-level Architecture View Controller Manager – manages control processes such as node controller,…

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Key Takeaways from CNCF KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2021


CNCF has recently wrapped up a virtual conference (KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021) with 50+ sessions by engineering experts in Cloud Native technologies. Though this article summarizes key takeaways from the North America hybrid (virtual + in-person) conference (Oct 11-15), it is recommended to watch recorded sessions by clicking here. You can also access slides by clicking here. Key takeaways from CNCF KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2021 conference have…

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Modern Technical Buzzwords You Should Know As A Software Architect


With the fast-paced technology landscape, there are modern technical buzzwords every software architect encounters on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of this blog is to enlist the majority of these buzzwords that you should know as a software architect. These are coined by industry experts, technology companies, research firms, domain experts, cloud companies, and so on. To ensure that we collaborate as a community, we have created a GitHub repository…

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Solution Options for Choosing the Right Kubernetes Management Strategy


The emergence of Kubernetes as an industry standard for container orchestration platforms is recognized as one of the key technology trends. Kubernetes ensures that containers are orchestrated and managed consistently across environments and has accelerated the development ecosystem. Kubernetes will soon be pervasive similar to Linux with key trends as: Kubernetes as hybrid cloud engine – the backbone for a hybrid-cloud architecture as it is a common PaaS platform supported…

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SUSE Is All About Enterprise Linux, Kubernetes, And Edge Computing


SUSECON has been concluded recently (May 18-20) with 50+ sessions in the area of Enterprise Linux, Kubernetes, and Edge Computing. SUSE has been an avid contributor to Opensource in the area of Cloud Infrastructure (e.g. OpenStack, Kubernetes), Application Platform (Cloud Foundry), Operating System-Level Virtualization (OCI, KVM), Operating Systems (OpenSUSE), and many more. Their recent acquistion of Ranche aligns with their increased focus on Enterprise Kubernetes Management and Edge Computing. This…

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Redis Is Not Just Caching Platform (RedisConf 2021)

RedisConf 2021 has been concluded on Apr 4th with 60+ sessions focused on using Redis as technology to discover the power of real-time data. Redis being the opensource in-memory data store is not just limited to caching and increasing its usage as database & message broker as well. This article summarizes key takeaways out of the keynote delivered by Ofer Bengal (Redis Labs Co-Founder and CEO), and Yiftach Shoolman (Co-Founder…

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Elastic Emergence As A Search And Observability Platform


Elastic has recently organized ElasticON virtual conference for North America (on 25th Mar 2021). While this article summarizes key takeaways from the conference, it is evident that Elastic is emerging as a compelling choice for the Search and Observability perspective. #1 – Elastic As A Search Company Elastic being a key leader in Enterprise Search demonstrated their product roadmap and capabilities as a Search solution. Search is a core competency…

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Linux Commands Every Architect Should Know


Linux is pervasive in software deployment architecture, and being a hands-on technologist with Linux helps in various ways. This article summarizes most of the commonly used Linux commands & utilities every architect should know. As each variant or distribution of Linux might have differences, there might be some variation as per Linux variants: Debian Linux, RHEL & CentOS, Oracle Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Alpine Linux, and Arch Linux. Before we start,…

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