Free Docker & Kubernetes Courses For Application Architects

Learn Docker & Kubernetes

As a full-stack architect, understanding and being hands-on with Docker & Kubernetes helps you to drive end-to-end architecture and technology decisions. This article summarizes free Docker & Kubernetes courses focused for application architects. #1 – Containerization with Docker Apart from having the basic knowledge of Docker, advanced knowledge of container runtime helps during troubleshooting and using advanced container creation practices such as multi-stage docker build. Additionally, having the basic knowledge…

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Top Ten Metrics You Need To Measure Productivity

Top Ten Metrics You Need To Measure For Productivity

Follow @ankurkumarz Follow @VedcraftTeam Measuring & tracking the progress of any program is key to success as quoted in the famous saying: If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. Considering a large number of metrics available, this article summarizes the top ten metrics to measure from the delivery team’s productivity perspective: Metric Purpose Description Feature Cycle Time To measure the time-to-market of a feature to generate business value…

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How Did We Increase Incident Analysis Efficiency By Over 40 % using Splunk?

Log Analysis Splunk

Splunk has been recognized to provide end-to-end data platform capabilities turning data into insights & actionable measures. Logs collection, aggregation, visualization, and insights are table stakes for enterprise applications. Elevating platforms to real-time log analysis, generating actionable insights by applying machine learning algorithms, analyzing failure trends, and real-time visualization during incidents are some of the key capabilities expected in modern platforms. As we progressed our journey to find such capabilities,…

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Top Ten Technology Trends For 2021

Top Technology Trends

Based on reports published by research companies like Gartner, Forrester, Bain, Deloitte, there are numerous technology trends predicted for 2021. This article summarizes the top ten technology trends common across their reports. #10 – Zero Trust Security & Privacy Computation Security has always been a key focus area for enterprises and the advancement towards zero-trust principle (never trust & always verify) will continue to be the trend in coming years.…

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5 Tips On Creating Effective Physical/Deployment Architecture For Cloud

Physical Architecture

In continuation with our series on empowering seasoned developers to be successful & informed software architects, this blog’s focus is on creating an effective physical architecture diagram.  Read the previous blog on creating an effective logical architecture by clicking here. As simple definition of physical architecture (also known as deployment architecture) is: Physical Architecture defines the layout of components & system elements (as deployable units) in the context of system…

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