Stack Overflow announced Generative AI Capability to Boost Developer’s Productivity

Stack Overflow, which is the largest question-and-answer website for developers and technologists serving the community for 10+ years. The below statistics indicate the popularity of the platform in the developer community: Their CEO, Prashanth Chandrasekar, has recently shared the roadmap for the integration of Generative AI into the public platform (Stack Overflow for Teams). Launched as Overflow AI, the suite of capabilities will provide the following key benefits to the…

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Unlocking Dynamic and Futuristic Solutions: AI Development with React

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword. The global AI market size is likely to reach two trillion USD by 2030. Almost all industries around the globe are leveraging it.  AI is also relevant for web application development. Wondering how? Well, you can combine ReactJS and AI for the creation of futuristic, dynamic, and interactive web apps.   In this article, you will learn about AI development with React at…

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ChatGPT: Unleashing the Power of Customization for Enterprise Apps

With the rise of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, there is a huge momentum to experiment, ideate, and create innovative solutions unleashing the power of ChatGPT. This blog’s focus is to explore the currently available possibilities to customize OpenAI’s ChatGPT as per your enterprise’s requirements. #1 — Static & Dynamic Prompt Engineering This is the foundational step to generate relevant and contextual information from the ChatGPT model to shape the conversation. Prompts can be…

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Diving Deep into Service Mesh: Unveiling Its Mechanism, Benefits, and Implementation

Preface With the growing demand for cloud-native architecture, microservice-based architecture has become the popular choice for developing distributed architecture. Microservice helps in developing the services with bounded context. This implies that our architecture will be composed of a collection of polyglot services each focusing on a distinct business functionality. This helps in making architecture more reliable, scalable and enables the deployment of new features quickly. Like other architectural approaches, microservices…

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Top Microservices Frameworks in Go


This article is an effort to summarize the Top Microservices Frameworks in Go. Considering the flexibility in MSA (Microservices Architecture), these are not mutually exclusive and you can choose as per your architectural requirements, business need, organizational context, and other factors under consideration. Modern cloud-native architecture can use multiple frameworks in the same organization to develop different microservices. As per Go’s naming conventions, these frameworks can be referred to as…

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Key Takeaways from Azure Open Source Day 2023

Key Takeaways from Azure Open Source Day 2023

Microsoft has organized an Azure Open Source Day on March 7, 2023. A key focus of the event was to promote building Cloud-native applications applying Open source technologies along with Azure. This article highlights key takeaways from Azure Open Source Day 2023 sharing news, product updates, innovation stories, and more. #1 — Developer productivity with the open-source ecosystem #2 — Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services and Machine Learning are in mainstream adoption  #3 — Enhanced and new…

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Top Ten Technology Trends for 2023

Top Ten Technology Trends for 2023

Observing technology trends by analysts, research companies, and thought leaders provides a broader perspective. It not only helps software architects to understand the impact of technologies being adopted but also helps them build the right skill set for themselves or their team. This article synthesizes the top ten technology trends for 2023 and beyond based on broader research.  This article is in continuation to our previous article for 2022 — click here…

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Key Takeaways from AWS reInvent 2022

Key Takeaways from AWS reInvent 2022

AWS re:Invent 2022 (Nov 28 — Dec 2) has continued the tradition of being the most happening cloud computing technology event. While there were many sessions covering leadership, partnership, technology updates, case studies, and much more — this article focused on sharing key takeaways from the event for software architects. #1 —Asynchrony and Event-driven Architecture enable the global scale The key theme of Werner Vogels’ keynote highlights the benefits of building asynchronous,…

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How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

How To Ace The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

With the growing demand for cloud-native architecture, Kubernetes is becoming a de facto skillset for software architects, developers, and system administrators. While there are different mechanisms to learn Kubernetes, certification such as the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program by The Linux Foundation helps to provide the direction, curriculum, and knowledge needed for real-world experience. Why get CKA certified? The CKA certification is designed to make sure that holders have the…

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2022 — The Year In Review From Technology Perspective


2022 has been a phenomenal year from a technology perspective accelerating the adoption of digital transformation across the industry. I published an article at the beginning of the year consolidating top technology trends for 2022. In hindsight, these have been the common trends with the accelerated technology adoption driven by the business demand this year. This article summarizes technical announcements, progressions, and events as observed throughout this year. #1 — Cloud is…

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